Happy Sunday evening to everyone!
We have been SO very blessed these past few days....
To begin, we were able to meet up with our dear friends Austin and Lauren Schauer (from Texas, and Aggies!) on Friday night after we got off work. Remember, we work from 2-10 pm so we keep very interesting hours. We met up with the Schauer's and some of their co-workers in the Pusan National University area. There are a lot of students that hang out here. This place in Busan is really cool and a great place to eat, just walk around and also find deals on shopping (Alaina=happy). Austin and Lauren so graciously dedicated their entire Saturday afternoon to showing us around this beautiful city and helping us master the subway system. We saw the world's largest shopping mall (oh wow.....) some awesome Busan highlights and we finally saw the BEACH!!! The Sea of Japan is practically in our backyard (well....almost, just a few subway stops away at least). We were overjoyed and so very thankful for the Schauer's generosity.
We went to an International church this morning that we had heard about from a few other foreigners. ICC (International Community Church) was extremely welcoming and the biggest blessing for us. We met a few more Aggies (whoop!) and enjoyed a worship service and sermon in English! After church we all went out to eat (when we say "all", we mean everyone. The entire church! It was amazing). From the moment we walked in, we were pulled in all directions being welcomed, it was truly heartwarming. After lunch we then went to grab some coffee with a smaller group. We had such a good time just enjoying the day with new friends. Later in the afternoon we were able to meet with the married couples in the church. They have a special Bible study within ICC and are very close brothers and sisters in Christ. We now have friends from Houston to Canada and everywhere in between. When we say we have been blessed, we mean WE HAVE BEEN BLESSED. We have experienced fellowship and God's amazing love through people all weekend long.
Our school officially opens it's doors tomorrow (Monday)! So wish us luck and please say a prayer for our first day of class and teaching.
Thank you for your prayers. We want to wish (a very late) Happy Anniversary to our dad and mom (Head's) and congratulate them on 31 years of marriage! Thank you for setting such a great example for us to follow :)
Love you all!
Wow! You HAVE been busy! Thanks for the updates and sweet wishes. We miss you but are excited for you and LOVE to experience this via your reports. So glad you've found a strong church body & class to plug-in to, that's awesome! Looking forward to your next entry. Love you lots, Mom